Let’s set up a 60 minute chat where you can ask me anything you’d like and you’ll receive straightforward, trustworthy answers.

Investing 60 minutes for tailored answers and solutions can save you a lot more time in the long run. The journey is also easier and more enjoyable knowing you’re headed in the right direction!

Some common performance and physique related topics you might want to discuss..

  • How to build your own nutrition plan tailored to your lifestyle and goals?

  • How to build a training program tailored to your lifestyle and goals?

  • Testosterone replacement therapy do’s and don’ts

  • Stubborn fat loss

  • Fixing a “slow” metabolism

  • Dietary supplement stacks

  • Building muscle and burning fat at the same time

  • Overcoming plateaus

  • Preserving health and function over the lifespan

  • Biomechanics

We can also chat about life outside of training. Throughout my teaching and research career I’ve worked in many different settings such as division I athletics, private sector strength and conditioning facilities, and research labs involving animals, humans, exercise, nutrition, and endocrinology. If you have questions about graduate school, research, or public vs private sector work, I can provide honest answers. Whatever questions you have, I’ll answer them with clarity, detail, and of course, evidence.

After you purchase, send me a word document chester@physique-u.com with your questions. I like to know the questions in advance so I can give you the most comprehensive, thorough answers. Then, look out for a return email to set up a time and we’ll do a google meet to answer your questions!

Online Consultation: 60 minutes
